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Pucheng Helps Residents Resolve Marital, Family Disputes

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Pucheng Helps Residents Resolve Marital, Family Disputes

 October 20, 2022
[For Women of China]


A couple (in Pucheng, a county in Weinan, a city in Northwest China's Shaanxi Province), who received mediation provided by volunteer judges recruited by the Pucheng Women and Children's Rights-protection Center, were on good terms again, after the couple made efforts to improve their marital and family relations, based on the judges' suggestions.

During the past five years, workers with Pucheng Women's Federation and Pucheng People's Court have made tremendous efforts to help residents resolved disputes within families, in part to promote social harmony and stability. So far, the organizations have handled a combined 5,703 cases (involving marriage and family disputes), and they have helped save 83 marriages in crisis.

The court employs 15 "mediators," who help resolve family disputes. Several cadres with the federation act as jurors when the court hears cases involving marriage and family disputes. The court offers women (victims of domestic violence) legal counseling to help them improve their ability to protect their rights and interests. The court also employs psychologists, who provide psychological counseling to the women, so they can better protect their rights and interests.


(Women of China English Monthly September 2022 issue)


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