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Shanghai Strengthens Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

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Shanghai Strengthens Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

ByYao Yao and Gu Wentong June 8, 2022

During the 39th Session of the Standing Committee of the 15th Municipal People's Congress (held on February 18), Shanghai adopted the Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Shanghai. The regulations took effect on March 1. The regulations, the first of their kind in Shanghai, were formulated based on recent years' achievements in relevant organizations' work involving the prevention of juvenile delinquency in Shanghai, and on opinions and suggestions from various organizations on how to improve that work. The purpose of the event was to increase both the support and security system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, and to strengthen professional services related to the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

The regulations contain provisions for the responsibility, education, intervention and social-support systems for preventing juvenile delinquency in Shanghai. In addition, the regulations define relevant organizations (in Shanghai)'s responsibilities for educating minors, in an effort to prevent them from committing crimes.

The regulations stipulate relevant people and social organizations should assist Shanghai Municipal People's Government, people's courts and people's procuratorates, at all levels across the city, in preventing juvenile delinquency, fostering social forces and providing support services to prevent juvenile delinquency.

Shanghai has taken the lead in China in trying to prevent juvenile delinquency. For example, Changning (a district in Shanghai) People's Court in 1984 established the juvenile court, the first of its kind in the country. In 2004, Shanghai Sunshine Community Youth Affairs Center was set up. The center became the first organization (in China) dedicated to improving youths' social services.


(Women of China English Monthly March 2022 issue)


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